- Newton rings
- <13> кольца Ньютона
Сборный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Сборный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Newton's rings — observed through a microscope. The smallest increments on the superimposed scale are 100μm … Wikipedia
Newton's rings — n pl colored rings due to light interference that are seen about the contact of a convex lens with a plane surface or of two lenses differing in curvature … Medical dictionary
Newton, Sir Isaac — born Jan. 4, 1643, Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, Eng. died March 31, 1727, London English physicist and mathematician. The son of a yeoman, he was raised by his grandmother. He was educated at Cambridge University (1661–65), where he discovered the… … Universalium
Newton , Sir Isaac — (1642–1727) English physicist and mathematician Newton s father, the owner of the manor of Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire, died three months before Newton was born. The family had land but were neither wealthy nor gentry. Left by his mother in the… … Scientists
Newton's rings — Optics. the pattern of light interference produced by the contact of the convex surface of a lens with a plane glass plate, appearing as a series of concentric, alternately bright and dark rings, which are colored if the light source is white.… … Universalium
Newton's cradle — The cradle in motion … Wikipedia
Newton’s rings — Niutono žiedai statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Newton’s rings vok. Newtonsche Ringe, m rus. кольца Ньютона, n pranc. anneaux de Newton, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Newton's rings — /ˈnjutnz rɪŋz/ (say nyoohtnz ringz) plural noun coloured concentric rings which are produced by interference of light round the point of contact of a convex lens and a plane reflecting surface. {named after Sir Isaac Newton} …
newton's rings — noun plural Usage: usually capitalized N : colored rings due to light interference that are seen about the contact of a convex lens with a plane surface or of two lenses differing in curvature … Useful english dictionary
Newton's rings — plural noun Optics circular interference fringes seen around the point of contact of a convex lens and a plane surface … English new terms dictionary
Isaac Newton — Sir Isaac Newton … Wikipedia